Mirella Meyer-Ficca

College of Veterinary Medicine

Associate Professor

Mirella L. Meyer-Ficca

Contact Information

Office Hours: Call or Email for Appointment
Office Location: BTEC 213
Phone: 435-797-1685
Email: Mirella.Meyer@usu.edu

Educational Background

PhD, Human Genetics, Virology, Eberhard-Karls-University of Tuebingen, 2002
Analyses of Cytotoxicity of the Cardiotropic Coxsackievirus B3 and Development of Strategies for Immortalization of human Cardiomyocytes
MS, Biology (Genetics, Human Genetics, Zoology) and Chemistry (Organic Chemistry), University of Kaiserslautern, 1997
Molecular Cytogenetic Analysis of Spermiogenesis in the Rat


Between 1992 and 1997, I studied Biology and Chemistry at the University of Kaiserslautern (TU Kaiserslautern), Germany, and in 1997 received the German Diploma in Biology (equivalent to M.S., with major focus areas in Genetics, Human Genetics and Organic Chemistry, minor in Zoology). For graduate training and doctoral research I moved to the Eberhard-Karls-University of Tübingen and the University Hospital of Tübingen, Germany, where my research focus was in Virology and Human Genetics, and received my Ph.D. degree (Dr.rer.nat., Doctorate in Natural Sciences) in 2002.
In 2002, I joined the University of Arizona (Arizona Cancer Center and College of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology) as post-doctoral research associate and received further training in Cancer Biology and Toxicology. Between 2005 and 2013, I worked as Senior Research Investigator at the University of Pennsylvania, conducting research in the fields of Male Reproductive Biology and Toxicology.
In 2013, I joined Utah State University as Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Animal, Dairy and Veterinary Sciences and the School of Veterinary Medicine, where I teach the following courses as course director: Veterinary Toxicology; Methods in Biotechnology: Cell Culture; Communicating and Evaluating Public Health Information; Environmental Epigenetics. In January 2020, I moved to a tenure-track position and was promoted to Associated Professor with tenure in July 2022.

Teaching Interests

- Reproduction
- Reproductive Toxicology
- Epigenetics
- Environmental Health
- Molecular Biology / Genetics / Cell Culture Techniques
- Veterinary Toxicology
- Veterinary Pharmacology

Research Interests

My main research interest is to understand how environmental factors (e.g. exposure to toxicants, dietary conditions, oxidative stressors, etc.) as well as an individual's age can change the germ-line epigenome, and thus indirectly gene regulation in offspring, and influence their health and disease.
The epigenome comprises additional levels of structural and biochemical information superimposed to the primary DNA sequence information, such as nuclear architecture and genome organization, DNA methylation, posttranslational modification the chromatin associated proteins, e.g. histones, and small RNAs. Epigenetic control appears to be for the development of complex and often late-onset diseases, such as cancer, diabetes and autism.
My lab is particularly interested in consequences of malnutrition and increasing age on sperm quality and offspring health. To address this, we are using a mouse model with acquired niacin dependency to mimic age-, disease- and exposure-related NAD decline, and focus on the following questions:
1. What are consequences of increasing age for sperm quality?
2. Which epigenetic marks are changes as a consequence of increasing age and declining NAD content, and which molecular mechanisms are involved?
2. What are the consequences of such changes in sperm epigenetic information for the health of future offspring?
A thorough understanding of the relevant mechanisms will help us to develop adequate lifestyle choices and pharmacological interventions that can improve human and animal health, which is our long-term goal.


Undergraduate Research Mentor of the Year Award 2023-2024, 2024

College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences

Exceptional Poster Presentation Award, 2019

FASEB Science Research Conference "The NAD Metabolism and Signaling Conference

Session Chair, 2019

American Society of Andology

2019 ADVS Faculty Researcher of the Year Award, 2019


Interview at Utah Public Radio: "UnDisciplined: The Molecular Geneticist And The Entomological Ecologist", 2018

Utah Public Radio

Invited Speaker, 2017

Testis Workshop 2017 / American Society of Andrology

2017 ADVS Department Undergraduate Research Mentor of the Year , 2017

ADVS Department

Susan Heyner Award for Excellence in Research, 2011

Center for Research on Reproduction and Women’s Health, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Travel Award, 2011

American Society for Andrology

Special Recognition Award in Basic Science, 2004

American Association for Cancer Research

Travel Award, 2004

The Fujihara Foundation of Science

    Publications | Book Chapters

  • Meyer-Ficca, M.L, Meyer, R.G, (2024). Niacin: Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease, 12th edition. Jones & Bartlett Learning
  • Meyer-Ficca, M.L, Meyer, R.G, Density gradient-based separation of testicular cell types using a STA-PUT apparatus: Spermatogenesis: Methods in Molecular Biology. Springer Science
  • Meyer-Ficca, M.L, Meyer, R.G, Circadian Clock: Epigenetic Regulators (Sirtuins), Metabolism, and Diseases: Encyclopedia of Endocrine Disease. Elsevier
  • Meyer-Ficca, M., Meyer, R., (2019). Epigenetic Changes in the Paternal Germline: Transgenerational Epigenetics, 2nd Edition. Elsevier Academic Press
  • Kirkland, J., Meyer-Ficca, M., (2018). Niacin: Advances in Food and Nutrition Research: New Research and Developments of Water-Soluble Vitamins. Elsevier
  • Meyer, R., Meyer-Ficca, M., Jacobson, E.L, Jacobson, M.K, (2004). Enzymes in poly(ADP-ribose) metabolism: Poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation. Landes Bioscience

An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

Publications | Journal Articles

Academic Journal

  • Miller, L.B, Feuz, M.B, Meyer, R.G, Meyer-Ficca, M.L, (2024). Reproductive Toxicology: Keeping Up with Our Changing World. Frontiers in Toxicology, 6, doi: doi: 10.3389/ftox.2024.1456687
  • Meyer-Ficca, M., Meyer, R., (2024). PARP11 inhibition inactivates tumor-infiltrating regulatory T cells and improves the efficacy of immunotherapies.. Cell Reports, 5:7, 101649. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.xcrm.2024.101649
  • Feuz, M.B, Nelson, D.C, Miller, L.B, Zwerdling, A.E, Meyer, R., Meyer-Ficca, M., (2024). Male Reproductive Aging – Current Insights & a Potential Role of NAD in The Reproductive Health of Aging Fathers and Their Children. Reproduction, 167:6, doi: DOI: 10.1530/REP-23-0486
  • Meyer-Ficca, M.L, Zwerdling, A.E, Swanson, C.A, Tucker, A.G, Lopez, S.A, Wandersee, M.K, Warner, G.M, Thompson, K.L, Chini, C.C, Haolin, C., Chini, E.N, Meyer, R., (2022). Low Testicular NAD+ Levels Cause a Decline of Spermatogenesis in Transgenic ANDY and Aging Mice. Frontiers in Endocrinology, 6;13:896356:6;13:896356, doi: https://doi.org/10.3389/fendo.2022.896356
  • Cacciolatti, C., Meyer-Ficca, M., Southwood, L.L, Meyer, R., Bertolotti, L., Zarucco, L., (2019). In-vitro effects of poly(ADP-Ribose) polymerase inhibitors in an equine model of inflammation. American Journal of Veterinary Research , 80:7, 663-669. doi: DOI: 10.2460/ajvr.80.7.663
  • Palzer, L., Bader, J.J, Angel, F., Witzel, M., Blaser, S., McNeil, A., Wandersee, M.K, Leu, N.A, Lengner, C.J, Cho, C.E, Welch, K.D, Kirkland, J.B, Meyer, R., Meyer-Ficca, M., (2018). Alpha-Amino-Beta-Carboxy-Muconate-Semialdehyde Decarboxylase Controls Dietary Niacin Requirements for NAD+ Synthesis. Cell Reports, 25:5, 1359-1370. doi: doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2018.09.091
  • Meyer-Ficca, M., (2018). Increased pregnancy losses following serial somatic cell nuclear transfer in goats. Reproduction, Fertility and Development, 30:11, 1443-1453. doi: doi: 10.1071/RD17323
  • Ketchum, C.C, Larsen, C.D, McNeil, A., Meyer-Ficca, M., Meyer, R., (2018). Early Histone H4 Acetylation during Chromatin Remodeling in Equine Spermatogenesis. , 98:1, 115-129. doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/biolre/iox159
  • Meyer, R., Ketchum, C.C, Meyer-Ficca, M., (2017). Heritable Sperm Chromatin Epigenetics: A Break to Remember. Biology of Reproduction, 97:6, 787-797. doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/biolre/iox137
  • Meyer, R., Meyer-Ficca, M., Kupper, J., (2016). Adenoviral vectors for modulation of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 (PARP1) – dependent DNA repair as a predictive tool for chemotherapy. Journal of Cellular Biotechnology / IOS Press, 2:1, 57-68. doi: DOI 10.3233/JCB-15026
  • Meyer-Ficca, M., Kirkland, J., (2016). NUTRITION INFORMATION BRIEFS - Niacin. Advances in Nutrition, 7:3, 556-558. doi: doi:10.3945/an.115.011239.
  • Douglas, H.F, Southwood, L.L, Meyer-Ficca, M., Hart, S.K, Meyer, R., (2015). The activity and inhibition of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 in equine peripheral blood mononuclear cells in vitro. , 25:4, 528-37. doi: doi: 10.1111/vec.12316
  • Meyer-Ficca, M., Meyer, R.G, (2015). Characterization of BRD4 during Mammalian Postmeiotic Sperm Development. Molecular and Cellular Biology, 35:8, 1433-1448. doi: 10.1128/mcb.01328-14
  • Bryant, J.M, Donahue, G., Wang, X., Meyer-Ficca, M., Luense, L.J, Weller, A.H, Bartolomei, M.S, Blobel, G.A, Meyer, R., Garcia, B.A, Berger, S.L, (2015). Characterization of BRD4 during mammalian postmeiotic sperm development.. Molecular and cellular biology, 35:8, 1433-48.
  • Meyer-Ficca, M., Ihara, M., Bader, J.J, Leu, N.A, Beneke, S., Meyer, R., (2015). Spermatid head elongation with normal nuclear shaping requires ADP-ribosyltransferase PARP11 (ARTD11) in mice.. Biology of reproduction, 92:3, 80.
  • Ihara, M., Meyer-Ficca, M., Leu, N.A, Rao, S., Li, F., Gregory, B.D, Zalenskaya, I.A, Schultz, R.M, Meyer, R., (2014). Paternal poly(ADP-ribose) metabolism modulates retention of inheritable sperm histones and early embryonic gene expression. PLOS Genetics, doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1004317
  • Bryant, J.M, Meyer-Ficca, M., Dang, V.M, Berger, S.L, Meyer, R., (2013). Separation of spermatogenic cell types using STA-PUT velocity sedimentation. J Vis Exp80
  • Meyer-Ficca, M., Lonchar, J.D, Ihara, M., Bader, J.J, Meyer, R., (2013). Alteration of poly(ADP-ribose) metabolism affects murine sperm nuclear architecture by impairing pericentric heterochromatin condensation. Chromosoma, 122:4, 319–335.
  • Meyer-Ficca, M., Meyer, R., (2011). Genetic approaches to targeting multiple PARP genes in a mammalian genome. Methods Mol. Biol., 780, 349–376.
  • Meyer-Ficca, M., Lonchar, J.D, Ihara, M., Meistrich, M.L, Austin, C.A, Meyer, R., (2011). Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerases PARP1 and PARP2 modulate topoisomerase II beta (TOP2B) function during chromatin condensation in mouse spermiogenesis. Biol. Reprod., 84:5, 900–909.
  • Meyer-Ficca, M., Ihara, M., Lonchar, J.D, Meistrich, M.L, Austin, C.A, Min, W., Wang, Z.Q, Meyer, R., (2011). Poly(ADP-ribose) metabolism is essential for proper nucleoprotein exchange during mouse spermiogenesis. Biol. Reprod., 84:2, 218–228.
  • Whatcott, C.J, Meyer-Ficca, M., Meyer, R., Jacobson, M.K, (2009). A specific isoform of poly(ADP-ribose) glycohydrolase is targeted to the mitochondrial matrix by a N-terminal mitochondrial targeting sequence. Exp. Cell Res., 315:20, 3477–3485.
  • Meyer-Ficca, M., Lonchar, J., Credidio, C., Ihara, M., Li, Y., Wang, Z.Q, Meyer, R., (2009). Disruption of poly(ADP-ribose) homeostasis affects spermiogenesis and sperm chromatin integrity in mice. Biol. Reprod., 81:1, 46–55.
  • Meyer, R., Meyer-Ficca, M., Whatcott, C.J, Jacobson, E.L, Jacobson, M.K, (2007). Two small enzyme isoforms mediate mammalian mitochondrial poly(ADP-ribose) glycohydrolase (PARG) activity. Exp. Cell Res., 313:13, 2920–2936.
  • Gao, H., Coyle, D.L, Meyer-Ficca, M., Meyer, R., Jacobson, E.L, Wang, Z.Q, Jacobson, M.K, (2007). Altered poly(ADP-ribose) metabolism impairs cellular responses to genotoxic stress in a hypomorphic mutant of poly(ADP-ribose) glycohydrolase. Exp. Cell Res., 313:5, 984–996.
  • Meyer-Ficca, M., Meyer, R., Jacobson, E.L, Jacobson, M.K, (2005). Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerases: managing genome stability. Int. J. Biochem. Cell Biol., 37:5, 920–926.
  • Meyer-Ficca, M., Scherthan, H., Burkle, A., Meyer, R., (2005). Poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation during chromatin remodeling steps in rat spermiogenesis. Chromosoma, 114:1, 67–74.
  • Meyer-Ficca, M., Meyer, R., Kaiser, H., Brack, A.R, Kandolf, R., Kupper, J.H, (2004). Comparative analysis of inducible expression systems in transient transfection studies. Anal. Biochem., 334:1, 9–19.
  • Cortes, U., Tong, W.M, Coyle, D.L, Meyer-Ficca, M., Meyer, R., Petrilli, V., Herceg, Z., Jacobson, E.L, Jacobson, M.K, Wang, Z.Q, (2004). Depletion of the 110-kilodalton isoform of poly(ADP-ribose) glycohydrolase increases sensitivity to genotoxic and endotoxic stress in mice. Mol. Cell. Biol., 24:16, 7163–7178.
  • Meyer, R., Meyer-Ficca, M., Kaiser, H., Selinka, H.C, Kandolf, R., Kupper, J.H, (2004). Plasmid-based generation of recombinant coxsackievirus B3 particles carrying capsid gene replacement replicons. Virus Res., 104:1, 17–26.
  • Meyer-Ficca, M., Meyer, R., Coyle, D.L, Jacobson, E.L, Jacobson, M.K, (2004). Human poly(ADP-ribose) glycohydrolase is expressed in alternative splice variants yielding isoforms that localize to different cell compartments. Exp. Cell Res., 297:2, 521–532.
  • Meyer, R., Meyer-Ficca, M., Jacobson, E.L, Jacobson, M.K, (2003). Human poly(ADP-ribose) glycohydrolase (PARG) gene and the common promoter sequence it shares with inner mitochondrial membrane translocase 23 (TIM23). Gene, 314, 181–190.
  • Hans, M.A, Muller, M., Meyer-Ficca, M., Burkle, A., Kupper, J.H, (1999). Overexpression of dominant negative PARP interferes with tumor formation of HeLa cells in nude mice: evidence for increased tumor cell apoptosis in vivo.. Oncogene, 18:50, 7010-5.
  • Meyer-Ficca, M.L, Muller-Navia, J., Scherthan, H., (1998). Clustering of pericentromeres initiates in step 9 of spermiogenesis of the rat (Rattus norvegicus) and contributes to a well defined genome architecture in the sperm nucleus. Journal of Cell Science, 111:10, 1363-70. doi: 10.1242/jcs.111.10.1363

Professional Journal

An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

Publications | Other

An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.


VCLS 6100 - Biomedical and Life Sciences Seminar Series, Fall 2024
VCLS 6100 - Biomedical and Life Sciences Seminar Series, Fall 2024
ADVS 6830 - Communicating and Evaluating Public Health Information: Case Studies in Environmental Health, Fall 2024
ADVS 6840 - Epigenetics in Public Health, Fall 2024
VM 7522 - Fundamentals of Pharmacology, Fall 2024
VM 7522 - Fundamentals of Veterinary Pharmacology, Fall 2024
, Spring 2024
ADVS 6900 - ADVS Special Topics: Andrology, Spring 2024
VM 7523 - Veterinary Toxicology, Spring 2024
ADVS 6830 - Communicating and Evaluating Public Health Information: Case Studies in Environmental Health, Fall 2023
ADVS 6840 - Epigenetics in Public Health, Fall 2023
VM 7522 - Fundamentals of Pharmacology, Fall 2023
ADVS 6810 - Seminar in Toxicology, Spring 2023
VM 7523 - Veterinary Toxicology, Spring 2023
ADVS 6830 - Communicating and Evaluating Public Health Information: Case Studies in Environmental Health, Fall 2022
ADVS 6840 - Epigenetics in Public Health, Fall 2022
VM 7522 - Fundamentals of Pharmacology, Fall 2022
ADVS, BIOL 5160 - Methods in Biotechnology: Cell Culture, Spring 2022
VM 7523 - Veterinary Toxicology, Spring 2022
ADVS 6830 - Communicating and Evaluating Public Health Information: Case Studies in Environmental Health, Fall 2021
ADVS 6830 - Communicating and Evaluating Public Health Information: Case Studies in Environmental Health, Fall 2021
VM 7522 - Fundamentals of Pharmacology, Fall 2021
Honors Book Lab, Fall 2021
VM 7510 - Veterinary Microscopic Anatomy, Fall 2021
ADVS 6840 - Epigenetics in Public Health, Spring 2021
ADVS, BIOL 5160 - Methods in Biotechnology: Cell Culture, Spring 2021
VM 7523 - Veterinary Toxicology, Spring 2021
ADVS 6830 - Communicating and Evaluating Public Health Information: Case Studies in Environmental Health, Fall 2020
VM 7522 - Fundamentals of Pharmacology, Fall 2020
Honors Book Lab, Fall 2020
VM 7510 - Veterinary Microscopic Anatomy, Fall 2020
ADVS 6840 - Epigenetics in Public Health, Spring 2020
ADVS, BIOL 5160 - Methods in Biotechnology: Cell Culture, Spring 2020
VM 7523 - Veterinary Toxicology, Spring 2020
VM 7523 - Veterinary Toxicology, Spring 2020
ADVS 6830 - Communicating and Evaluating Public Health Information: Case Studies in Environmental Health, Fall 2019
VM 7522 - Fundamentals of Pharmacology, Fall 2019
VM 7510 - Veterinary Microscopic Anatomy, Fall 2019
ADVS 6840 - Epigenetics in Public Health, Spring 2019
ADVS, BIOL, NDFS 5160 - Methods in Biotechnology: Cell Culture, Spring 2019
ADVS 6810 - Seminars in Toxicology, Spring 2019
VM 7523 - Veterinary Toxicology, Spring 2019
ADVS 6830 - Communicating and Evaluating Public Health Information: Case Studies in Environmental Health, Fall 2018
VM 7522 - Fundamentals of Pharmacology, Fall 2018
VM 7510 - Veterinary Microscopic Anatomy, Fall 2018
Honors Book Lab, Summer 2018
ADVS, BIOL, PSC 5160 - Methods in Biotechnology: Cell Culture, Spring 2018
ADVS 6810 - Seminars in Toxicology, Spring 2018
VM 7523 - Veterinary Toxicology, Spring 2018
ADVS 6830 - Environmental Health, Fall 2017
VM 7522 - Fundamentals of Pharmacology, Fall 2017
VM 7510 - VM7510 Veterinary Microscopic Anatomy, Fall 2017
ADVS 6810 - Seminars in Toxicology, Spring 2017
VM 7523 - Veterinary Toxicology, Spring 2017
VM 7522 - Fundamentals of Pharmacology, Fall 2016
VM 7510 - VM7510 Veterinary Microscopic Anatomy, Fall 2016
VM 7523 - Veterinary Toxicology, Spring 2016
VM 7522 - Fundamentals of Pharmacology, Fall 2015
VM 7510 - Veterinary Microscopic Anatomy, Fall 2015
VM 7523 - Veterinary Toxicology, Spring 2015
VM 7522 - Fundamentals of Pharmacology, Fall 2014
VM7510 Veterinary Microscopic Anatomy, Fall 2014
VM 7523 - Veterinary Toxicology, Spring 2014
VM7510 Veterinary Microscopic Anatomy, Fall 2013

Graduate Students Mentored

Morgan Feuz, Veterinary Clinical and Life Sciences, January 2023
Laura Miller, Veterinary Clinical and Life Sciences, July 2022
Micah Forbush, Animal, Dairy & Vet Sciences, August 2020 - August 2021