David Wilson
College of Veterinary Medicine
Research Interests
Bovine mastitis and udder health. Bovine Johne's disease. Dairy cattle health and epidemiology.
2013 Award for Excellence in Multistate Research, 2013
NE-1048, Association of State Agricultural Experiment Station Directors
2009 Award for Excellence in Multistate Research, 2009
NE-1028, Association of State Agricultural Experiment Station Directors
American College of Veterinary Preventive Medicine Board Certification, 1992
American College of Veterinary Preventive Medicine
Publications | Abstracts
- Wilson, D., (2019). β-hydroxybutyrate measurements in bovine milk compared between known standards, a clinical pathology analyzer, and Fossomatic high-throughput testing. . American Dairy Science Association
- Wilson, D., Baldwin, T.J, Kelly, E., Van Wettere, A., Hullinger, G., (2015). Bovine Viral Diarrhea diagnostic testing results in the Intermountain West- comparison between test methods, age, sex and beef vs. dairy breeds. American Dairy Science Association
- Wilson, D., Rood, K., (2013). Comparison of milk and blood test strips and Fossomatic milk analysis for measurement of beta-hydroxybutyrate in periparturient dairy cattle.. Journal of Dairy Science/ADSA
- Wilson, D., Rood, K., (2012). Bacteria counts in on-farm pasteurized milk for dairy calves vs. season and time post-pasteurization. Journal of Dairy Science/ADSA
- Wilson, D., Rood, K., Goodell, G., (2011). Evaluation of a BVD milk ELISA test detecting anti-p80 antibody and comparison with ear notch testing for PI cattle. Journal of Dairy Science
- Wilson, D., Justice-Allen, A., Trujillo, J.D, Goodell, G., (2011). Multiple Mycoplasma spp. detected in bulk tank milk samples using real-time PCR and conventional culture, and agreement between test methods. Journal of Dairy Science
- Wilson, D., Baldwin, T.J, Skirpstunas, R., Cavender, K.B, (2010). An experiment in transmission of Mycoplasma bovis in sand bedding to naive dairy calves. Journal of Dairy Science
- Wilson, D., Rood, K., Trujillo, J.D, (2010). Herd-level prevalence of Johne’s disease on dairy farms in Utah and the surrounding intermountain west. Journal of Dairy Science
- Baldwin, T.J, Wilson, D., Skirpstunas, R., Trujillo, J.D, Kelly, E.J, (2009). Calf Enteric Mortality Etiologies, 2004 - 2008. Journal of Dairy Science
- Wilson, D., (2009). Reproduction and milk loss following clinical mastitis compared among J5 vaccinates and controls. Journal of Dairy Science
- Wilson, D., (2008). Milk production change following clinical mastitis and reproductive performance compared among J5 vaccinated and control dairy cattle. American Association of Bovine Practitioners
- Wilson, D., (2008). Intramammary pathogens from 3755 dairy goats and sheep and farm characteristics from New York State. Journal of Dairy Science
- Wilson, D., (2008). Sodium chlorite lactic acid teat dip contaminated with Serratia liquefaciens. Journal of Dairy Science
- Wilson, D., (2001). Prevalence of bovine mastitis increases with average linear score and has possible implications for genetic selection. J Dy Sci *
- Wilson, D., (1999). Comparison of seven antibiotic treatments with no treatment for bacteriological efficacy against bovine mastitis pathogens.. An Health Spectrum, Miss St Univ *
- Wilson, D., (1995). Antibiotic effect on Streptococcus agalactiae prevalence in dairy herds.. J Dy Sci *
- Wilson, D., (1995). Clinical trial to determine association between different administration schedules for an Escherichia coli J5 bacterin and prevention of clinical coliform mastitis.. J Dy Sci *
- Wilson, D., (1993). Efficacy of a broad spectrum antibiotic against clinical and subclinical bovine mastitis.. AABP Program Abstracts *
- Wilson, D., (1993). Observations on Mycoplasma bovis mastitis and milk production, in Abstract of Papers. 74th Annu Mtg Conf Res Workers Anim Dis *
- Wilson, D., (1992). Use of a farm plan to promote compliance with the 10 point plan for the Milk and Dairy Beef Quality Assurance Program.. J Dy Sci *
- Wilson, D., (1991). Emergence of Staphylococcus aureus L-form colony formation following antibiotic therapy of subclinical mastitis. J Dy Sci *
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Fact Sheets
- Wilson, D., (2019). Medication darts are gaining in popularity - do they affect meat quality? Are there risks? . Utah State University
- Wilson, D., (2018). Is Mycoplasma bovis in sand bedding infectious to dairy calves?. Utah State University
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Journal Articles
Academic Journal
- Wilson, D., Rood, K., (2021). Comparison of bovine mammary involution and intramammary infections following intramammary treatment with casein hydrolysate and other conventional treatments at dry-off. Animals, 11:8, 1-12.
- Wilson, D., Middleton, J.R, Adkins, P.R, Goodell, G.M, (2019). Test agreement among biochemical methods, MALDI-TOF and 16S rRNA sequencing for the identification of microorganisms isolated from bovine milk. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 57:3, 1-8.
- Kurz, J., Zhou, Y., Weiss, R., Wilson, D., Rood, K., Liu, G., Wang, Z., (2018). A genome-wide association study for mastitis resistance in phenotypically well-characterized Holstein dairy cattle using a selective genotyping approach. Immunogenetics, 71, 35-47. doi: 10.1007/s00251-018-1088-9
- Britten, J.E, Rood, K., Wilson, D., (2018). Intramammary infusion of casein hydrolysate for involution of single mastitic mammary quarters elevating cow-level somatic cell count. Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology, 8:6, 1-5.
- Kelly, E.J, Wilson, D., Pseudomonas aeruginosa mastitis in two goats associated with an essential oil-based teat dip. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, 1-3. doi: 10.1177/1040638716672255
- Wilson, D., LaRose, J., Genetic sequencing using 16S rRNA for pathogen identification in retropharyngeal lymph nodes from wild elk (Cervus elaphus). Human-Wildlife Interactions
- Wilson, D., Baldwin, T.J, Kelly, E., Van Wettere, A., Hullinger, G., Bunnell, J., (2016). Prevalence of Bovine Viral Diarrhea virus in bovine samples from the Intermountain West of the U.S.A. - comparison between age, sex, breed and diagnostic methods. Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology, 7:3, 1-4.
- Wilson, D., Rood, K., Whitehouse, C., Bunnell, J., Goodell, G.M, Byrem, T.M, (2015). Dairy herd - level prevalence of Johne’s disease and BVD in the Intermountain West of the U.S.A. and farm management practices and characteristics for test-positive herds. Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology, 6:4, 1-7.
- Wilson, D., Baldwin, T.J, Whitehouse, C.C, Hullinger, G., (2015). Causes of mortality in farmed mink in the Intermountain West, North America. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, 27:4, 470-475.
- Wilson, D., Baldwin, T.J, Rood, K., (2015). Pathology in practice – Fascioliasis in a Dahl sheep. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 246, 1301-1303.
- Wilson, D., Bunnell, J., Whitehouse, C., Byrem, T.M, Goodell, G.M, Rood, K., (2014). Johne’s disease, mycoplasma and BVD in Utah - bulk tank milk testing and comparison to previous regional prevalence and individual herd results over time. Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology, 5:3, 1-7.
- Wilson, D., Goodell, G.M, (2013). Comparison of blood strips, milk strips, and automated milk measurement of beta-hydroxybutyrate in periparturient dairy cattle and resultant diagnoses of ketosis.. Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology, 4:4, 1-3.
- Wilson, D., (2012). On-farm pasteurized milk fed to dairy calves – association of bacteria counts following pasteurization with season, temperature and time until feeding. Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology, 3:6, 1-5.
- Wilson, D., Rood, K., (2012). Bovine viral diarrhea milk ELISA test detecting anti-p80 antibody – association with milk handling methods and cow characteristics. Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology, 3:1, 1-5.
- Wilson, D., McFarlane, L., (2012). Contagious ecthyma in a Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep from Utah. Human-Wildlife Interactions , 6:1, 7-11.
- Maunsell, F.P, Woolums, A.R, Francoz, D., Rosenbusch, R.F, Step, D.L, Wilson, D., Janzen, E.D, (2011). Mycoplasma bovis infections in cattle. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 25:4, 772-783.
- Justice-Allen, A., Trujillo, J.D, Wilson, D., (2011). Detection of multiple Mycoplasma species in bulk tank milk samples using real-time PCR and conventional culture and comparison of test sensitivities. Journal of Dairy Science, 94:7, 3411-3419.
- Wilson, D., Baldwin, T.J, Skirpstunas, R., Cavender, K.B, (2011). Risk of Mycoplasma bovis transmission from contaminated sand bedding to naive dairy calves. Journal of Dairy Science, 94:3, 1318-1324.
- Wilson, D., Rood, K., (2010). Herd-level prevalence of Johne’s disease in Utah and adjacent areas of the Intermountain West as detected by a bulk tank milk surveillance project. Journal of Dairy Science, 93:12, 5792-5797.
- Wilson, D., Trujillo, J.D, (2010). Survival and replication of Mycoplasma species in recycled bedding sand and association with mastitis on dairy farms in Utah. Journal of Dairy Science, 93:1, 192-202.
- Wilson, D., (2009). Herd-level prevalence of Mycoplasma spp. mastitis and characteristics of infected dairy herds in Utah as determined by a statewide survey. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 235:6, 749-754.
- Wilson, D., (2009). Association of Escherichia coli J5-specific serum antibody responses with clinical mastitis outcome for J5 vaccinate and control dairy cattle.. Clinical and Vaccine Immunology, 16:2, 209-217.
- Wilson, D., (2008). Milk production change following clinical mastitis and reproductive performance compared among J5 vaccinated and control dairy cattle. Journal of Dairy Science, 91, 3869-3879.
- Wilson, D., (2007). Comparison of J5 vaccinates and controls for incidence, etiologic agents, clinical severity, and survival in the herd following naturally occurring cases of clinical mastitis. Journal of Dairy Science, 90:9, 4282-4288.
- Wilson, D., (2007). Milk and serum J5-specific antibody responses, milk production change and clinical effects following intramammary Escherichia coli challenge for J5 vaccinate and control cows.. Clinical and Vaccine Immunology, 14:6, 693-699.
- Wilson, D., Trujillo, J.D, (2007). Unusual history and initial clinical presentation of Mycoplasma mastitis and arthritis in a closed commercial dairy herd. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 230:10, 1519-1523.
- Wilson, D., (2005). Effect of pathogen-specific clinical mastitis on herd life in two New York State dairy herds. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 71:1-2, 105-125.
- Wilson, D., (2004). Effect of pathogen-specific clinical mastitis on milk yield in dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 87:10, 3358-3374.
- Wilson, D., (2004). Effect of clinical mastitis on the lactation curve: a mixed model estimation using daily milk weights. Journal of Dairy Science, 87:7, 2073-2084.
- Wilson, D., (2003). Monitoring udder health and milk quality using somatic cell counts. Veterinary Research, 34, 579-596.
- Wilson, D., (2001). Outbreaks of clinical mastitis caused by Trichosporon beigelii in dairy herds. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 218:2, 238-242.
- Wilson, D., (2000). Evaluation of an experimental milking pulsation system for effects on milking and udder health. Journal of Dairy Science (J Dy Sci), 83:9, 2004-2007.
- Wilson, D., (1999). Comparison of seven antibiotic treatments with no treatment for bacteriological efficacy against bovine mastitis pathogens. Journal of Dairy Science, 82:8, 1664-1670.
- Wilson, D., (1999). Dairy cattle identified as cull candidates: treatment exprenses incurred before culling.. Large Animal Practice, 20:4, 16-21.
- Wilson, D., (1998). Dairy producer attitudes and farm practices used to reduce the likelihood of antibiotic residues in milk and dairy beef: a five state survey.. Large Animal Practice, 19:5, 24-30.
- Wilson, D., (1998). Selecting linear-score distributions for modeling milk-culture results.. Prev Vet Med, 33, 29-Nov.
- Wilson, D., (1997). An interdisciplinary and systems-based evaluation of academic programs: bovine mastitis-related veterinary research, education and outreach.. Scientometrics, 40:2, 195-213.
- Wilson, D., (1997). Bovine mastitis pathogens in New York and Pennsylvania: prevalence and effects on somatic cell count and milk production.. J Dy Sci, 80:10, 2592-2598.
- Wilson, D., (1997). Influence of management practices and dairy herd characteristics on bulk tank milk SCC. Korean J Buiatrics, 2:1, 13-18.
- Wilson, D., (1997). Association between management practices, dairy herd characteristics, and somatic cell count of bulk tank milk.. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 210:10, 1499-1502.
- Wilson, D., (1997). Diversity of Streptococcus agalactiae and Staphylococcus aureus ribotypes recovered from New York dairy herds.. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 58:5, 482-487.
- Wilson, D., (1996). Factors influencing therapy decisions in clinical cases of Gram-positive mastitis.. Korean J Buiatrics, 1:1, 35-41.
- Wilson, D., (1996). Segregation or use of separate milking units for Staphylococcus aureus-infected dairy cows. Korean J Buiatrics, 1:1, 51-55.
- Wilson, D., (1996). Improvement in milk production and udder health following correction of stray voltage on computer feeds.. Agri Practice, 17:5, 24-29.
- Wilson, D., (1996). Efficacy of florfenicol for treatment of clinical and subclinical bovine mastitis.. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 57:4, 526-528.
- Wilson, D., (1995). Segregation or use of separate milking units for cows infected with Staphylococcus aureus: effects on prevalence of infection and bulk tank somatic cell count. Journal of Dairy Science, 78:9, 2083-2085.
- Wilson, D., (1995). Financial effects of Mycobacterium paratuberculosis on mastitis, milk production and cull rate in clinically normal cows.. Agri-Pract, 16:3, 12-18.
- Wilson, D., (1995). Effects of stage of lactation, production, parity and season on somatic cell counts in infected and uninfected dairy goats.. Small Ruminant Research, 16, 165-169.
- Wilson, D., (1993). Association of Mycobacterium paratuberculosis infection with reduced mastitis, but with decreased milk production and increased cull rate in clinically normal dairy cows. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 54:11, 1851-1857.
- Wilson, D., (1992). Clinical mastitis caused by different types of pathogens: differences in milk production loss, recovery, age at onset, andmilk NAGase. Agri Practice, 13:8, 13-21.
- Wilson, D., (1992). Milk production, water consumption and somatic cell count responses of cows subject to 1-2 volts AC between the waterline and cow platform. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 201:3, 441-444.
- Wilson, D., (1991). Microbiological results from milk samples obtained premilking and postmilking for the diagnosis of bovine intramammary infections. J Dy Sci, 74:12, 4183-4188.
- Wilson, D., (1991). N-acetyl-B-D-glucosaminidase as a predictor of milk loss and recovery after clinical mastitis. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 52:7, 1110-1116.
- Wilson, D., (1991). N-acetyl-B(beta)-D-glucosaminidase, etiologic agent, and duration of clinical signs for sequential episodes of chronic clinical mastitis in dairy cows. J Dy Sci, 74:5, 1539-1543.
- Wilson, D., (1991). Temporal patterns of lost milk production following clinical mastitis in a large Michigan Holstein herd. J Dy Sci, 74:5, 1561-1572.
- Wilson, D., (1990). Serratia marcescens mastitis in a dairy herd. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 196:7, 1102-1105.
Professional Journal
- Wilson, D., (2009). Isolation of Serratia liquefaciens from sodium chlorite lactic acid teat dip stored on a dairy farm. The Bovine Practitioner, Spring 2009, 32-34.
Public or Trade Journal
- Wilson, D., (2007). A project to monitor Mycoplasma mastitis on all Utah dairy farms.. Northwest edition of Progressive Dairyman, 21:5, 37. *
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | MultiMedia
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Other
Magazine/Trade Publications
- Wilson, D., Rood, K., LaRose, J., (2016). Utah State University School of Veterinary Medicine Magazine. Utah State University School of Veterinary Medicine *
- Schoonmaker, K., Wilson, D., (2011). Study examines sand bedding as source of infection for dairy calves. Dairy Herd Network/Dairy Herd Management Magazine *
- Wilson, D., (2008). How to use sexed semen in dairy cattle breeding. Progressive Dairyman *
- Wilson, D., (2008). Mastitis and its effects on reproduction. Progressive Dairyman *
- Wilson, D., (2024). 2025 Trichomoniasis Tags Available. Anthrax in Wyoming and Facts About Anthrax. Utah State College of Veterinary Medicine Hiring Many New Faculty Members... Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter
- Wilson, D., (2024). AABP Issues New Guidelines for Veterinary Technicians in Bovine Practice.. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter
- Wilson, D., (2024). AABP Issues New Cattle Euthanasia Guidelines. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter
- Wilson, D., (2024). Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in Dairy Cattle - What is the Utah Response?. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter
- Wilson, D., (2024). 100th Issue of the Dairy Veterinary Newsletter. CRISPR Gene Editing is Increasingly Adopted - Including Application in the Dairy Industry.. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter
- Wilson, D., (2020). Mink COVID-19 control measures. Fur Breeders Agricultural Cooperative
- Wilson, D., (2020). Dairy calf time with the dam and housing system - what is the latest on calf impacts?. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter
- Wilson, D., (2020). Do single use needles and OB sleeves reduce BLV transmission?. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter
- Wilson, D., (2020). How is the pandemic affecting veterinary practices?. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter
- Wilson, D., (2020). Holstein inbreeding is approaching a level of concern - but is there a solution from the past? . Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter
- Wilson, D., (2019). FDA plans to end OTC sales of medically important antibiotics for animal treatment.. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter
- Wilson, D., (2019). Veterinary Feed Directive after 30 months - what are the results so far? . Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter
- Wilson, D., (2019). Upcoming bovine reproduction conference at Utah State University. Are bovine twin pregnancies undesirable? Are there more fetal losses?. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter
- Wilson, D., (2019). USDA Clarification regarding official animal ID tags. Cattle Fever ticks are spreading outside the quarantine zone in Texas. . Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter
- Wilson, D., (2019). Dairy animal welfare audits. . Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter
- Wilson, D., (2019). Upcoming dairy extension conference in Brigham City, Utah. Safety of RB 51 brucellosis vaccine for humans working with it.. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter
- Wilson, D., (2018). Medical marijuana and veterinary medicine - what might the new Utah law mean? What about cannabinoid feeds for dairy animals?. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter
- Wilson, D., (2018). From the AABP Meeting - automated calf milk feeding and cow milking. Acoustic pulse therapy for bovine mastitis - update. More milk processors going out of business, producers suddenly losing their milk market. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter
- Wilson, D., (2016). Genomic testing of bovines - what is the best sample and how should it be collected?. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter
- Wilson, D., (2016). Should first lactation cows be dried off differently than multiparous cows? . Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter
- Wilson, D., (2016). Upcoming extension meetings in Utah regarding the new VFD Rules. New information from the World Buiatrics Conference: What dairy farmers want in a diagnostic test, Dogs that smell mastitis pathogens in milk.. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter
- Wilson, D., (2016). Repurposing of drugs - will this provide more effective antimicrobial therapy? Foot and Mouth Disease vaccine supply - would a vaccination and ring strategy work? . Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter
- Wilson, D., (2016). Two changes coming on Jan. 1, 2017: tail docking ban and the Veterinary Feed Directive. What will they mean for veterinarians and dairy producers? . Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter
- Wilson, D., (2016). A change in necropsy fees at the Utah Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory. Warming rooms for newborn calves - should every dairy have them? . Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter
- Wilson, D., (2015). Is medicated feed for livestock going to be less common? What about the regulatory burden? How will dairy/food animal veterinarians be affected?. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter
- Wilson, D., (2015). Causes of mortality in farmed mink in the Intermountain West, North America. Fur Animal Research, Fur Commission U.S.A. *
- Wilson, D., (2015). Is routinely medicating cows’ feet or bandaging after treating lesions detrimental?. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter
- Wilson, D., (2015). Keypad “dispensing machines” for medications and supplies on farms and in veterinary facilities. Calving area isolation for cows including adjacent to large group closeup areas.. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter
- Wilson, D., (2015). Colostrum: new heat treatment data. How can we measure colostral quality on farms? Pasteurizing waste milk for calves - is there another reason to do it?. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter
- Wilson, D., (2015). Meloxicam - pain relief in cows and calves. Sanitation on farms - is bioluminescence useful for more than testing milking system wash?. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter
- Wilson, D., (2015). BVD is still a major bovine disease, carried by some interesting fomites as well. DHIA SCC data from every state - how does Utah compare in SCC?. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter
- Wilson, D., (2014). Teat dips containing nonylphenol ethoxylates (NPEs) are being recalled. What defines dairy cattle or their milk or meat as “GMO” or “Non-GMO”? . Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter
- Wilson, D., (2014). Cure rates for treatments vs. bovine mastitis - some new studies. Utah is the fifth ranked state in percentage growth of dairy cow numbers.. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter
- Wilson, D., (2014). Do cows pregnant with heifer calves produce more milk than those carrying bulls? Drug residues in milk decrease - 99.98% of residue tested milk samples were negative.. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter
- Wilson, D., (2014). Utah Veterinary Medical Association Canyonlands Veterinary Conference. Calf hutch ventilation during the summer - including something we may not always think of. Antimicrobial resistance: Global Report on Surveillance 2014. . Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter
- Wilson, D., (2014). FDA’s new Guidance #213 – what impact will it have?. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter
- Wilson, D., Rigas, J., (2014). Utah Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory has a New Clinical Pathologist . Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (2014). Utah Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory has a new Clinical Pathologist. Another look at the practice of selective dry cow therapy.. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter
- Wilson, D., (2013). "Top stories" in dairy during the year 2013 - some old and some new. Viruses as a cause of high SCC in cows?. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (2013). USDA milk test results and other updates from the AABP conference. Are we reaching the employees that take care of animals on dairy farms like we think we are? Dehorning and use of anesthesia on dairy farms, and study of a new analgesic.. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (2013). Pinkeye – is it getting worse? Is there yet another causative organism (a mycoplasma) involved?. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (2013). Water quality testing for dairy cattle consumption. A bacteria gets (another) name change. A study of residue risk for bob veal calves fed colostrum from dry treated cows.. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (2013). Comparison of three dry cow treatment products for intramammary infection cures and new cases. Is there an ideal time range for culturing milk of cows post-calving for best mastitis detection? UV light treatment of waste milk for calves.. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (2013). Extreme cold weather is resulting in livestock losses. Genetic evaluations of dairy animals - private industry will now calculate and provide them. Is antibiotic treatment of clinical coliform mastitis cost effective? . Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (2012). Navel dipping – an important factor in reducing calf death loss. Treatment of bovine mastitis with vitamin D. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (2012). Drought year issues include aflatoxin testing and nitrate testing of feed. New FSIS testing for more drugs in meat of dairy cattle. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (2012). Bacteria counts in on-farm pasteurized milk for dairy calves versus season and time post-pasteurization. Utah State University Dairy Newsletter
- Wilson, D., (2012). Heat treating colostrum. Colostrum replacer. Will the industry return to group housing of calves? Can profitability be increased and methane reduced? Is routine ketosis therapy beneficial?. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (2012). Can the dairy industry live without “cleanup” bull breeding? Could improved fertility of each AI straw make cleanup bulls less necessary?. Utah State University Dairy Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (2012). Can the dairy industry live without “cleanup” bull breeding? Could improved fertility of each AI straw make cleanup bulls less necessary?. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (2012). Certification of organic milk – some room for improvement identified. Non-lactating dairy cattle are different than dry cows according to the FDA. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (2012). 4 quarts of colostrum fed to calves using an esophageal feeder if necessary – should it be divided into two feedings, or is it better to ensure intake? Utah Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory now offering BioPRYN® bovine pregnancy test.. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (2011). Sampling for Dairy Drug Residues on 1800 Farms. Is the EU Export 400,000/ml SCC Standard Really Coming After All? What will it Mean During 2012?. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (2011). Bovine pregnancy test at UVDL. Freezing syringe guns between uses. Calf warming boxes. Solar power on dairies. Utah farms lead nation in computer access. Rectal palpation and early pregnancy loss. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (2011). Long-term study of Johne’s disease control in dairy herds – an aggressive test and culling program appears to be important. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (2011). Proper and accepted means of calf euthanasia. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (2011). Loss of livestock including dairy animals to predators – is it increasing?. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (2011). The 400,000/ml SCC limit and the National Livestock ID Program – what is the status of these proposed changes?. Utah State University Dairy Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (2011). The change in neo-terramycin (neomycin/oxytetracycline) milk replacers. 92% of U.S. dairy cows live in 23 states, including Utah. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (2010). The EU export rules and a 400,000/ml SCC limit, and the National Livestock ID Program – two ideas yet again on hold. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (2010). Reduction or elimination of mycoplasma mastitis in Utah dairy herds following the statewide surveillance project, and a comparison of strategies against mycoplasma. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (2010). Are undercover farm videos producing a backlash in public opinion against animal rights activists?. Utah State University Dairy Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (2010). FDA’s new draft guidance, “The Judicious Use of Medically Important Antimicrobial Drugs in Food-Producing Animals” - comment process and a summary of the document. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (2010). Will the US legal limit for SCC in bulk tank milk effectively become 400,000/ml? What happens beginning October 1, 2010?. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (2010). How viable is the use of frozen-thawed, sex-sorted bull sperm in terms of fertility?. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (2010). Free-range grazing becoming part of the requirements for organic dairying. Utah State University Dairy Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (2010). Some new information regarding handling of diagnostic milk samples for mycoplasma mastitis. USDA announces changes in the animal disease traceability program. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (2010). Cold weather feeding of pre-weaned calves. Utah State University Dairy Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (2009). USDA revises veterinary accreditation program – more information to come. Cold weather feeding of pre-weaned calves. An attack on conventionally produced dairy products on a popular browser (but another part of the article commends a dairy product).. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (2009). New antibiotic residue testing methods and targeting of cull dairy cows for residue testing of kidneys at slaughter facilities. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (2009). New livestock indemnity program and highlights from the recent American Dairy Science Association Meeting. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (2009). Senator and former Secretary of Agriculture comments on political issues and regulations affecting US farming. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (2009). Results of statewide surveillance for mycoplasma mastitis in Utah – herd level prevalence and characteristics of infected dairy herds. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (2009). How are the most recent freestall designs serving cow welfare and dairy milk production needs?. Utah State University Dairy Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (2009). How much evidence is there for the effectiveness of treatments for common calf diseases?. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (2009). The Chinese milk scandal – what could it mean for the U.S. dairy industry?. Utah State University Dairy Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (2008). What could the Chinese milk scandal mean for the U.S. dairy industry? . Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (2008). Discard milk fed to calves – after pasteurization handling is critical. Utah State University Dairy Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (2008). Early embryonic loss in dairy cattle and the search for hormonal therapy or other management measures to improve it. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (2008). Is dry period length of 30-40 days better than dry period length of 50-60 days? . Utah State University Dairy Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (2008). Factors influencing the survival of dairy cows after correction of left displaced abomasum. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (2008). How do headlocks affect feed access for cows?. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (2008). Testing for Johne’s Disease in Utah using milk samples, including DHIA samples. Utah State University Dairy Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (2008). Malignant Catarrhal Fever in Utah, Manure pits can pose fatal danger. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (2008). Some interesting factors associated with clinical mastitis rates (including some rarely studied). Utah State University Dairy Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (2007). Commercial colostrum replacer, Cow behavior study, Johne’s Disease organisms in recycled sand, Reducing stillbirths on dairy farms. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (2007). The AABP meeting and some trends in large animal practice. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (2007). A review of Neospora caninum in cattle. N. caninum and possible new developments.. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (2007). Sexed (GES) semen and dairy cattle breeding. Utah State University Dairy Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (2007). Sexed (GES) semen and dairy cattle breeding. Utah State University Dairy Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (2007). Mastitis and its effects on reproduction of dairy cows. Utah State University Dairy Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (2007). Why is participation in Johne's Disease testing programs so low, and is it important to increase Johne's surveillance in the dairy industry?. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsleter *
- Wilson, D., (2007). A project offering no-cost confidential testing to all Utah dairy producers. Utah State University Dairy Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (2007). Cure rates of different antibiotic treatments against bovine mastitis, antibiotic treatment against mastitis in dairy goats, homeopathic and other non-antibiotic treatments against bovine mastitis. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (2007). Mycoplasma in adult dairy cattle can initially show many different clinical signs. Utah State University Dairy Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (2006). rbST free milk and the larger issue of organic farming. Utah State University Dairy Veterinary Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (2006). Bulk tank milk cultures: how often should they be done and how are they best used?. Utah State University Dairy Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (2006). University hires new extension veterinarian and epidemiologist. Utah State University Dairy Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (2003). Mycoplasmal mastitis in dairy herds. National Mastitis Council Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (1999). Don't buy mastitis. Natl Mast Council Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (1996). Efficacy of florfenicol for treatment of clinical and subclinical bovine mastitis.. AABP Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (1992). Adenomatous palyps in the pylorus of a barbados sheep.. Amer. Assoc. of Sm. Rum. Pract. Newsletter *
- Wilson, D., (1991). Heifer mastitis: the dairy industry's hidden disease. Quality Milk Promotion Services Newsletter
- Wilson, D., (1990). Usage of mastitis control practices and resulting profitability. Quality Milk Promotion Services Newsletter
- Wilson, D., (1990). Ensuring a milk supply free from contaminating residues. Quality Milk Promotion Services Newsletter
- Wilson, D., (1990). NAGase: a new test for clinical mastitis?. Quality Milk Promotion Services Newsletter
- Wilson, D., Terra, R.L, Muller, F.J, Sears, P.M, Anderson, K.L, (2011). Milk quality and udder health on organic dairies. American Association of Bovine Practitioners
- Wilson, D., (2010). Association of Escherichia coli J5-specific serum antibody responses with clinical mastitis outcome for J5 vaccinate and control dairy cattle. Highlights in Canadian Dairy Cattle Research 2010 *
- Wilson, D., (2008). Milk and serum J5-specific antibody responses, milk production change and clinical effects following intramammary Escherichia coli challenge for J5 vaccinate and control cows. Highlights in Canadian Dairy Cattle Research 2007 *
- Wilson, D., (2000). Case study - use of compounded antibiotics for treatment of mastitis. The Bovine Practitioner
- Wilson, D., (1998). Segregation or use of separate milking units for cows infected with Staphylococcus aureus reduced prevalence of infection and bulk tank somatic cell counts.. The Bov Pract
- Wilson, D., (1994). Heifer mastitis. The Bovine Practitioner
- Wilson, D., (1990). N-acetyl-B-D-glucosaminidase as a predictor of milk loss and recovery following clinical mastitis. Master's Thesis, Michigan State University
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.